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Our goal at Analog Flavor is to help our customers to push the boundaries and deliver new technologies to the world. Our key competences include analog IP integration, power and signal integrity issues and simulation. Our tools and products are dedicated to improve analog IP design and integration. Is a series of tools that simplifies working with spice netlists and simulation results.
We are a Global Creative Agency that use digital to make the analog world better. Innovative content-led global marketing campaign. A global platform to support social entrepreneurship. Using technology to help keep children entertained during the school holidays. Helping dealerships build excitement around the launch of a new car. Using branded entertainment to settle a battle of the sexes.
V Deň víťazstva nad fašizmom sa stretneme na Stanici pri výnimočnej udalosti. Počas piatich rokoch svojej existencie vyprodukovalo cd-r demo a live nahrávky, ale na seriózny nosič si milovníci ťahavého bahna museli poriadne počkať. No čakanie sa vyplatilo! Debutové LP The Magic Of Macabre. V podobnom duchu sa nesie aj produkcia spriaznenej moravskej kapely Blues for the Redsun.